Apparizioni di Ahura [E-616] nel gruppo INHUMANS ROYAL FAMILY [E-616]

APP# Data Apparizione nella Storia Avversari
App. #1 1988/08* The Inhumans (1988) #001 s01 | Elemental Horror
App. #2 1990/04 Inhumans Special - The Untold Saga (1990) #001 s01
App. #3 1993/06 Fantastic Four Unlimited (1993) #002 s01
App. #4 1995/06 Fantastic Four - Atlantis Rising (1995) #001 s01
App. #5 1995/07 Fantastic Four - Atlantis Rising (1995) #002 s01 FANTASTIC FOUR | Kristoff, FANTASTIC FOUR | Thor, FANTASTIC FOUR | Sub-Mariner
App. #6 1995/07 Fantastic Four (1961) #402 s01
App. #7 1995/09 Fantastic Four Unlimited (1993) #011 s01 | Arcadius
App. #8 1996/04 Fantastic Four (1961) #411 s01 | Black Bolt
App. #9 1996/05 Fantastic Four (1961) #412 s01
App. #10 1996/06 Fantastic Four (1961) #413 s01
App. #11 2000/06 Inhumans (2000) #001 s01
App. #12 2007/06 Silent War (2007) #004 s01
App. #13 2007/08 Silent War (2007) #006 s01
App. #14 2008/10 Secret Invasion - Inhumans (2008) #001 s01
App. #15 2008/11 Secret Invasion - Inhumans (2008) #002 s01 SKRULLS
App. #16 2008/12 Secret Invasion - Inhumans (2008) #003 s01 SKRULLS
App. #17 2009/01 Secret Invasion - Inhumans (2008) #004 s01 SKRULLS
App. #18 2009/03 Secret Invasion - War Of Kings Special (2009) #001 s01
App. #19 2016/04 Uncanny Inhumans (2015) #005 s01
App. #20 2016/05 Uncanny Inhumans (2015) #006 s01
App. #21 2017/08 Black Bolt (2017) #002 s01
App. #22 2017/11 Black Bolt (2017) #005 s01
App. #23 2018/04 Black Bolt (2017) #010 s01
App. #24 2018/05 Black Bolt (2017) #011 s01
App. #25 2018/06 Black Bolt (2017) #012 s01 | Jailer