Cronologia Originale di Aragorn [E-616]

Displaying 101 - 161 of 161
Data Serie, Albo e Storia Gruppo Avversari Eventi Chiave Ruolo Presenza
App. 101 2001/11 Avengers - The Ultron Imperative (2001) #001 s01
App. 102 2001/12 Defenders (2001) #010 s01
App. 103 2001/12 Thunderbolts (1997) #057 s01
App. 104 2002/01 Thunderbolts (1997) #058 s01
App. 105 2002/02 Defenders (2001) #012 s02
App. 106 2002/04 Order (2002) #001 s01
App. 107 2002/05 Order (2002) #002 s01
App. 108 2002/06 Order (2002) #003 s01
App. 109 2002/07 Order (2002) #004 s01
App. 110 2002/08 Order (2002) #005 s01
App. 111 2002/09 Order (2002) #006 s01
App. 112 2003/07 Marvel Universe - The End (2003) #005 s01
App. 113 2003/08 Marvel Universe - The End (2003) #006 s01
App. 114 2004/09 Mighty Thor (1998) #082 s01
App. 115 2007/09 Thor (2007) #001 s01
App. 116 2008/11 Captain Britain And MI-13 (2008) #005 s01
App. 117 2008/12 Hulk (2008) #007 s02
App. 118 2008/12 She-Hulk (2005) #034 s01
App. 119 2009/01 Hulk (2008) #008 s02
App. 120 2009/04 She-Hulk (2005) #038 s01
App. 121 2010/01 New Avengers (2005) #059 s01
App. 122 2010/09 Vengeance Of The Moon Knight (2009) #010 s01
App. 123 2010/11 Valkyrie (2010) #001 s01
App. 124 2010/12 I Am An Avenger (2010) #002 s03
App. 125 2010/12 Incredible Hulks (2010) #614 s01
App. 126 2011/11 Secret Avengers (2010) #017 s01
App. 127 2011/11 Thunderbolts (2006) #163.1 s01
App. 128 2012/01 Fear Itself: The Fearless (2011) #003 s01
App. 129 2012/02 Fear Itself: The Fearless (2011) #004 s01
App. 130 2012/03 Fear Itself: The Fearless (2011) #006 s01 | Wraithwitch
App. 131 2012/03 Fear Itself: The Fearless (2011) #007 s01
App. 132 2012/04 Fear Itself: The Fearless (2011) #008 s01
App. 133 2012/04 Fear Itself: The Fearless (2011) #009 s01 D.O.A. | Host [3]
App. 134 2012/05 Fear Itself: The Fearless (2011) #010 s01
App. 135 2012/05 Fear Itself: The Fearless (2011) #011 s01
App. 136 2012/06 Fear Itself: The Fearless (2011) #012 s01
App. 137 2012/09 Secret Avengers (2010) #029 s01
App. 138 2012/10 Secret Avengers (2010) #030 s01
App. 139 2013/03 Venom (2011) #029 s01
App. 140 2013/03 Venom (2011) #030 s01
App. 141 2013/04 Fearless Defenders (2013) #001 s01 ZOMBIES
App. 142 2013/05 Fearless Defenders (2013) #002 s01
App. 143 2013/06 Fearless Defenders (2013) #003 s01
App. 144 2013/07 Fearless Defenders (2013) #004 s01
App. 145 2013/09 Fearless Defenders (2013) #006 s01
App. 146 2013/11 Fearless Defenders (2013) #009 s01
App. 147 2015/09 Loki: Agent Of Asgard (2014) #016 s01 Morte/Uscita di Scena
App. 148 2016/01 Black Knight (2016) #001 s01
App. 149 2016/05 Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! (2016) #004 s01
App. 150 2016/06 Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! (2016) #005 s01
App. 151 2017/04 Monsters Unleashed (2017-03) #002 s01
App. 152 2017/05 Monsters Unleashed (2017-03) #004 s01
App. 153 2019/02 Thor (2018) #008 s01
App. 154 2019/03 Asgardians of the Galaxy (2018) #005 s01
App. 155 2019/03 Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #001 s01
App. 156 2019/06 Asgardians of the Galaxy (2018) #008 s01
App. 157 2019/06 War of the Realms (2019) #002 s01 Morte/Uscita di Scena
App. 158 2019/07 Asgardians of the Galaxy (2018) #009 s01 Morte/Uscita di Scena
App. 159 2019/09 Valkyrie: Jane Foster (2019) #001 s01
App. 160 2021/01 Symbiote Spider-Man: King in Black (2021) #001 s01
App. 161 2021/02 Symbiote Spider-Man: King in Black (2021) #002 s01